- Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002456/245656E.pdf
- The ‘First’ Freire: On Education for Democracy and Social Change. The first Freire, the journal by Carlos Torres (PDF) Published in Universitat of Valencia, Creativity and Educational Innovation Review
- The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire (2019) edited by Carlos Torres New cover Wiley
- Critical Global Citizenship Education Book Series, Series Editor: Carlos Alberto Torres
Please see the attached Routledge webpage for series introduction: https://www.routledge.com/Critical-Global-Citizenship-Education/book-series/CGCE- Except the books listed, there are 6 more books on contract, with two of them beginning production as of October 2019. Please see the document for the titles & authors. Six more books on contract
- A recently published article by Alícia Villar-Aguilés who interviewed Dr. Carlos Torres about Global Citizenship education (article in Spanish)RASE_12(3)_Entrevista a Carlos Alberto Torres
- Education for Global Citizenship (Mar 2017), OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA, EDUCATION, Mar 2017
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